
The possibilities are numerous! A preliminary discussion will allow us to define your wishes while taking into account your size and budget constraints.

Pastels, oil painting or graphite pencils

The choice of the technique is essential, because the final result and the global effect will not be the same. I realize your order of animal portraits:

Portrait de chien en pastels

With dry pastels: this is of course the technique that enables to get the closest to the chosen animal, since it renders the colour of its hair/ feathers and eyes. The pastel is bright and eye-catching. I use high quality pastels (Pitt Pastels, Caran d’Ache, Carbothello…) and paper specially designed to retain their pigments (mainly Pastelmat and Pastel Card).

Vautour au crayon graohite

With oil paint: it is a noble material by nature. Oil allows me to create particularly luminous and powerful paintings, combining fine detail and infinite possibilities for the background. I use mainly fine and extra-fine Sennelier and Lefranc & Bourgeois paints, and linen stretchers.

Vautour au crayon graohite

With graphite pencils: this technique has the advantage of being very pure while being precise and having a lot of character. The play of light and shadow is very important. Quality materials and paper ensure its durability.

You can get a better idea of the rendering of each of these techniques and make your choice by visiting my gallery: it’s up to you to choose the one you like the most!

Background colour

To create my pastel artworks, I use a specific paper that is best able to retain the very brittle pigments of the pastels. During the definition of your project, we choose together the background colour that you wish.

This choice is very important to highlight your animal! Some combinations will work, others will not. With my experience, I can advise you on this.

Please note that this sample has no contractual value. The setting of your screen alone can change the perception of colours

For oil paintings, all options are possible: black background, colored background, landscape…

And for the graphite pencil artworks, I work exclusively on white backgrounds and rigid paper, which are best suited to highlighting the animal.


Numerous sizes are available for making paintings, from the smallest to the largest. However, please notice that not all formats can be used for everything. For example, it is impossible to fit two animals on a 18×24 cm format. My “Prices” page will give you more information.

Pet or wild animal

I realize, according to your wishes, the portrait of your pets: dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, birds… Several animals can be represented on the same support so that you can have together several of your companions. If necessary, I will propose you a montage which will allow you to validate their arrangement on paper.

Deux portraits de chiens en pastels
Portrait de deux chevaux en pastels

Two examples of compositions with two animals: one vertical, the other horizontal

You can also order a portrait of a wild animal of your choice, whatever it may be. If necessary, I can point you to websites where you can download copyright-free pictures. If the photo you are dreaming of is not, you will be charged extra for acquiring the rights to use it.